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Hunter Elite TD Wheel Alignment Machine

SDM Cars are proud to offer the latest wheel in alignment technology with the Hunter Elite TD machine at our SDM Toyota Ladysmill site in Falkirk.

What's a Hunter Wheel Alignment?

Wheel alignment is an essential vehicle service which ensures your car operates with maximum efficiency, comfort and safety. It achieves this by making sure all of your wheels point in exactly the right direction in relation to each other and your direction of travel.

This is an increasingly important service on modern cars as the majority now have many adjustable components within the steering and suspension systems which, if not set correctly, can cause misalignment.

A Hunter wheel alignment service accurately measures up to 14 primary wheel angles and compares them with the original specifications detailed by your car manufacturer. If any differences are found, we can correct these by adjusting your car’s steering and suspension settings, which helps to maximise your fuel efficiency, reduce any uneven tyre wear and improve your driving comfort and safety.

Why Does My Car Need A Hunter Wheel Alignment?

Have you ever noticed your tyres wearing more on one side than the other? Perhaps your car feels as if it pulls to one side? Or maybe your steering wheel isn’t straight?

These are all possible symptoms of misalignment and often lead to higher running costs as your tyres need replacing sooner or your fuel bills will be increased.

Misalignment can occur easily. Hitting a kerb, driving over a pothole, replacing a tyre or simple day to day wear and tear can all lead to your car suffering from misalignment.

By letting us check your alignment regularly you can be confident that these negative effects are minimised and your car remains in the best possible condition.​

What are the benefits of a Hunter Wheel Alignment?

By having your car properly aligned, you will benefit in a number of ways:

  1. Improved tyre life – misalignment is a major cause of uneven or premature tyre wear. Correct alignment can significantly extend the life of your tyres
  2. Improved fuel consumption – cars suffering from misalignment will have a higher fuel consumption as their wheels ‘drag’ along the road surface. Correctly setting the wheels straight reduces this resistance and gives you more miles per tank.
  3. Greener motoring – with improved fuel consumption and lower tyre wear, your impact on the environment will also be improve your own personal Carbon Footprint, by emitting less CO2 emissions.
  4. Save money – by extending the life of your tyres and improving your fuel consumption, correct alignment will help lower your motoring costs

SDM Toyota Special Offer

10% off all prices

Tracking check £40 £36

Full steering geometry checks £50 £45*

(*adjustments may be extra charge).