Behind The Scenes...

Toyota Hilux Video Shoot

One sunny Wednesday in August 2016, we took the Toyota Hilux to Fordell woods near Inverkeithing in Fife for a photo/video shoot. 

The purpose of this video shoot was to show the Hilux in the environment that a customer will naturally use it in e.g. in farmland, going through water and driving over dirt tracks.

We attached Go-Pro cameras to the Hilux to capture the live footage of the vehicle driving though various terrains. This gives a live POV view of the car in action.

We got some great live action footage as well as some fantastic photos that show really how tough the Hilux is. Check out the pictures below of the Hilux submerged in water at a quarry, and racing through some muddy farm tracks.

After the filming was complete we took the footage and edited it together to create an action packed promotional video for the Hilux. This video was uploaded to YouTube and shared across our Social Media platforms.

You can watch the final video of the Hilux video shoot below: